Cultural Association
La Scuola d’Italia Galileo Galilei is a non-profit organization with 501 (c)(3) approval as a Public Charity. We are an Italian Language School and Cultural Association that promotes the study and maintainment of the Italian Language, Culture, and History for the current and future generations. Our goal is to promote, to spread and to maintain the Italian language, Culture, and History for the Italian and Italian-American communities in and around the Pittsburgh area. ​
We offer courses in the Italian language as well as many various (free) cultural activities (over 84 activities) for adults and children. Currently, we have more than 1300 members and are growing daily.
We offer a free Argento membership to the community to our cultural association and offer more than 84 events throughout the School Year.
We offer a paid, $100 per year, Oro membership that permits attendance to 10 Book Club meetings throughout the 10 months of events.
As members, we desire your support to make these events a great success and a possibility through attendance and donations.
All donations are TAX-DEDUCTABLE! ​
We offer many different cultural activities every month, such as: Italian Film Nights, Discounted Opera tickets (two or three times a year), Lectures, Cooking Demonstrations, a Book club in Italian, a safe location to get together and talk, learn, and promote Italian Language, Culture, and History, as well as, lots of great activities in Italian for the kids; Italian story-time, Italian card games, Italian board games, Italian cartoons, films, Italian holiday celebrations, Picnics, Parties and much more. All of these activities are meant to promote the study of the Italian language and to pass on great traditions to the next generation.